HDIP Trainings
Biostratigraphy of Tethyan Paleocene - Eocene Larger Benthic Foraminifera
Trainer(s): | Dr. Rafiq Lashari |
Venue: | Conference Room, HDIP, Head Office, Islamabad |
Date/Time: | 18-May-2022 09:00 am to 05:00 pm |

This workshop was designed to raise awareness of applied biostratigraphy, its applications, limitations and its appropriate applications in exploration studies as well as demonstrated the key disciplines, methodologies and technologies used by biostratigraphers.
Thrust Systems, Hydrocarbon Prospects & Exploration in Pakistan
Trainer(s): | Prof. Dr. Ishtiaq Ahmed Khan Jadoon |
Venue: | Conference Room, HDIP, Head Office, Islamabad |
Date/Time: | 30-Nov-2021 09:00 am to 05:00 pm |

This workshop provided an opportunity to share knowledge, bringing workers and scholars from different backgrounds together and discuss the latest developments in fold and thrust belt regimes of Pakistan and argue with your peers and to get instant feedback on ideas while taking a front row seat in an energy transition. This discussion enhances the participants vision and provide a foundation for further in-depth field inspection.