Biostratigraphy of Tethyan Paleocene - Eocene Larger Benthic Foraminifera

Venue: | Conference Room, HDIP, Head Office, Islamabad | Date/Time: | 18-May-2022 09:00 am to 05:00 pm |

Dr. Rafiq Lashari
Associate Professor at Center for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh
Dr. Rafiq Lashari is a renowned geologist working as an Associate Professor at Center for Pure and Applied Geology, University of Sindh. The speaker has multi dynamic experience of both academia and hydrocarbons with reference to exploration & exploitation and having specialization in Carbonate Sedimentology & Biostratigraphy.
Biostratigraphy is tool to assigns relative ages to rocks and correlate strata at basinal, regional and global levels, based on fossils. The microfossils help us in paleoenvironmental, paleoclimatic, paleobathymetry, paleoceanographic analyses. These are also helpful in sequence stratigraphic and structural analyses. Demarcation of Paleocene - Eocene time boundary in Tethyan realm is most challenging that need to be addressed in an appropriate way. In pursuance of this aim, Petroleum Research and Development Section hold one-day workshop on “Biostratigraphy of Tethyan Paleocene - Eocene Larger Banthic Foraminifera”.
This workshop was designed to raise awareness of applied biostratigraphy, its applications, limitations and its appropriate applications in exploration studies as well as demonstrated the key disciplines, methodologies and technologies used by biostratigraphers.
Professionals and Professors from following companies/institutes attended the workshop physically and virtually.
- Pakistan Petroleum Limited
- Oil & Gas Development Company Limited
- Mari Petroleum Company Limited
- Geological Survey of Pakistan
- OKTA Exploration and Production Limited
- Abbottabad University of Science and Technology
- Azad Jammu & Kashmir University
- Quaid-e-Azam University
- University of Peshawar
- Pakistan Science Foundation